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drive-in and online worship services
Drive-in church: How is that going to work?
We will have an altar outside with the cross, candles, and the elements
We have a complete bulletin to follow along with the service
We'll park such that people have the best "view" of the altar they can have.
Tune your car radio to 92.7 FM
We will broadcast the service on the radio and also record for online so those who do not come can still watch the service.
When it comes time for the Lord's Supper, Pastor will come to each car window individually. The elements have been handles with gloves. Intincture (dipping the wafer into the wine) is how the Sacrament will be distributed. The only person to touch their elements will be the communicant.
We'll look at how it went and plan for the future.
Right now, Maundy Thursday (still at Holy Cross) and Easter will be drive-in.
Only one Easter service at each parish is planned, and will be at the regular time (9:30 Holy Cross, and 11:15 Grace).
Due to the solemn nature of the Good Friday Tenebrae service, it will be recorded from the sanctuary and posted online.
The plan is for all Services Easter and forward to be drive-in until the ban on gathering is lifted.
Be on the lookout for children's messages, one has been posted. I will make more as I have time.
Check the church websites, they are constantly being updated.
Helpful links (also on the website):